8 Simple Mood-Boosting Foods to Support Busy Moms
If you are an overwhelmed mom trying to juggle several tasks at a time, it is easy to get frustrated and feel down, which takes a toll on your mental and even physical health. To get over such situations, you need a periodic supply of serotonin, commonly known as the “happy hormone.” But how do you maintain the needed serotonin production? Here are eight simple food options that are natural mood boosters because they’re serotonin boosters, and it helps that they are also highly nutritious.
This is a guest post by Isabella Adams.
![8 Simple Mood-Boosting Foods](https://i0.wp.com/lovinlifewithlittles.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/8-Simple-Mood-Boosting-Foods-to-Support-Busy-Moms-Post-Feature-680x900-1-227x300.png?resize=227%2C300&ssl=1)
Please Note: If you’re experiencing severe depressive symptoms, you’re not alone. Reach out to a mental healthcare professional who can guide you and help you find support. You and your family are worth it. In the US, you can call or text 988 if you’re in emotional crisis for free 24/7 support.
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What Is the Role of Serotonin in Mood Regulation?
Serotonin, the happy hormone, is a chemical found in the blood, brain, connective tissues, and intestines. It is also present in the central nervous system and digestive tract and has a direct impact on mental health and mood.
So, how does it regulate your mood? Since it is in the body’s most vital organs, increased levels accelerate the nerves and increase the electric impulses. This is why it is a “feel good” hormone. At normal levels, it makes you happier, focused, and more emotionally stable, but when the levels drop, you may have issues with memory loss, depression, and a generally low mood. As a mom, you need a way to boost these levels, especially if you are feeling overwhelmed and battling postpartum depression.
Related: 5 Tips for the Stay-At-Home Mom Struggling with Depression, Isolation, or Boredom
Top Serotonin-Boosting Foods for Moms
Knowing how vital normal serotonin levels are for your mood, mental health, memory, and sleep is crucial to help you balance your moods. One effective way to support serotonin levels is through your diet. Certain foods contain tryptophan, an amino acid that the body breaks down to activate the uptake of serotonin. It serves as a precursor to the chemical, so it is critical to incorporate some tryptophan-rich foods into your diet, such as the following eight mood-boosting foods. Work these foods into your meal plan or snacks.
A favorite option for a serotonin boost is bananas, especially the fully ripe ones. Not only are they readily available, but they are also tasty and highly nutritious. They contain high levels of tryptophan, and by producing 5-HTP, they create melatonin and serotonin, a perfect combination of mood and sleep boosters.
Dark Chocolate
Chocolate is another food well-known for boosting mood. It aids the release of serotonin and produces endorphins, another “feel-good” chemical. It also increases blood flow to the brain and the heart, improving memory and concentration.
The best aspect about most tryptophan-rich foods is that they are also highly nutritious, including spinach. Not only does it increase serotonin levels, but it is also an iron-rich leafy vegetable. Your red blood cells need it; otherwise, you risk anemia and other related complications.
Oily fish, as you know, is a rich source of omega-3 and vitamin D, which are vital for moms’ health. It helps with strong bones and teeth and healthy skin and provides tryptophan. It is recommended to take two portions of salmon a week, but if on a special diet, you can substitute with soya and walnuts.
Nuts and Seeds
Seeds and nuts are highly nutritious, and the best part is that there are several options. You can go for pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds, chia seeds, flax seeds, peanuts, or any other type. Just a handful each day is enough to provide tryptophan for serotonin, healthy fats, and fiber.
Greek Yogurt
Besides boosting your serotonin levels thanks to the presence of probiotics, fermented foods like Greek yogurt also improve your gut health.
Poultry is another tasty source of tryptophan. You can go for chicken, goose, or turkey, but lean meat like chicken breast is the best since it is rich in protein but contains less fat.
Eggs are also responsible for increasing serotonin levels. They are amazing options because you can make them in many ways, each with a unique taste, whether baked, boiled, scrambled, poached, or as an omelet.
Other Ways to Boost Mood through Serotonin
Your food options can increase your serotonin levels but there are several other ways to boost your mood if you feel overwhelmed.
Keeping Energized
The more you maintain a steady energy supply throughout the day, the better balance you get in your mood. Besides being physically active, you can also eat healthy snacks between meals for additional energy.
Staying Hydrated
You need your energy levels elevated all day, and the best way is to drink a lot of fluids and remain hydrated.
Promoting Good Gut Health
If you have a healthy gut, your serotonin levels naturally increase. That’s why it is best to avoid artificial sweeteners and processed sugars and eat more probiotic foods like yogurt.
Going Outdoors
Many moms tend to spend a lot of time indoors, which can negatively affect their mood and lead to other mental issues. The more you step out for some sun every day, the more you feel happier and rejuvenated.
Exercising and daily physical activity is an effective way to get the blood flowing and boost your mood. More endorphins are released, and that positively impacts your physical and mental health.
Related: How to Set Fitness Goals as a Busy Mom (5 Realistic Exercise Tips for Moms)
Being a busy mom can affect your health physically and mentally. Therefore, you need a way to hack your body’s chemicals, especially serotonin, the feel-good hormone. There are several nutrient-rich food options containing tryptophan, which is known to increase serotonin levels. Besides that, consider other remedies like exercising and staying hydrated and energized throughout the day.
What other mood-boosting tips do you have for busy moms? Share in the comments.
Guest Blogger Isabella Adams is an experienced nutritionist and a passionate freelance writer, a contributing writer at Fastachi. She leverages her expertise to explore and discuss trending nutrition topics, aiming to foster a healthy and joyous relationship with food and the body. Her insights encourage others to embrace healthier lifestyle choices.
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